In order to respond to the environmental, societal and ethical issues that have become paramount, our management has shown its commitment to engage in a Corporate Social Responsibility (Social and Environmental) approach. This approach is emerging as the key to sustainable and shared growth.

Corporate Social Responsibility is a voluntary process conducted in liaison with all our stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers, civil society …). It is about worrying about the consequences of our decisions and our activities on society (in a broad sense) and on the environment.




The Social Responsibility (CSR) approach engages us in a dynamic aimed at:

  • Promote diversity and equal opportunities, respect and value the diversity of backgrounds, cultures and origins.
  • Ensure a stimulating work environment that is open to dialogue, respecting the rules and labor standards.
  • Promote the development of skills and the social advancement of our employees throughout their professional life.
  • Encourage our partners, subcontractors and suppliers to adhere to our values ​​and contribute to our commitments.
  • Reduce our ecological footprint and build a lasting legacy for future generations.
  • Make our employees aware of environmental issues and the adaptation of behaviors that must result from them.